Tuesday, May 24, 2016

We give first place to help destoy people - විපතට පත් ජනතාවට උදවු කිරීමට මුල් තැන දෙමු

This days so many places Sri Lanka destoy by flud and earth brake. There large croud people lost even their hosuse. Nother large croud people ded. Garment and other help groups come to help people and do good work. How ever this days we must give first place to help destoy people. Colombo around people sufer rever water. And Kegale distrit people sufer earth brake and go down. All this happan becase non stop hard rain. Kalani river water go hight and around houses go under water. Aranayaka montan soil wet by rain water and earth brake and go down. Some places mountan soil wash and earth brake still happan. And river water high go also still happan there. Becase non stop hard rain. Every day rain hardly. South west monsune rain come very near. So we cant think destoy stop. We must live ready to face natchural destoy. We all must ready to help people 24 ours. All people must colect main reqarment things to distibute destoy areas. Food, clean water, cloths, boats, mobaile toilets most impoted things. So come all we give some gift to poore destoy people.


  1. earth brake coming coming no brake
    rayn rayn fallin fallin no brake
    river water up golng up golng no brake
    garbaje rock same same earth brake
    all cuntry big problam
    i know nothing this problam all coming
    may be kokanut hitting
    wat yu thinkin?

    1. rane rane fel fel water water go go erth erth brak brake down down

  2. විපතට පත් ජනතාවට උදවු කරන් එකනම් ලොකු පිනක් මේ වෙලාවේ හැටියට.

  3. i all so tolding same same i prey (Pray) at ape kanda uda tempal rane rane go away cum agan anathe dey.

    rane gode plese ask our wish stop fucking rane and plese fuck u wife to get the aathal not by ours.

  4. ratathota wisthara you doin grete job. peepol like you must do politiks and go palimant. to divelop cuntry. do do politik and go elecson. you definitly win. peepol luky if you go palimant.
